About Us
No one else comes close
LineQuest is your first choice for all your damage prevention needs. We are a full-service damage prevention company specializing in providing utility and private line locating, GIS mapping and hydro services to multiple markets. These services combined have positioned LineQuest as an industry leader that currently provides services across the United States. Our goal is to eliminate the risk of damage to the environment, property and person through the prevention of line strikes.
Preventing line strikes is a key component that eliminates project delays, environmental contamination, work-related injury, and financial hardships. This combined with hydro-excavation, which is known as the safest way to dig, provides an irreplaceable service that has quickly become an industry standard.
LineQuest prides itself in knowing we are protecting underground facilities, the environment, and our community. We are on the front lines, serving as the first line of defense. We have an extraordinary obligation and we are up for the task.